Vivek Khera vivek
Tue Nov 28 12:00:59 PST 2006
Based on discussions in IRC earlier today, I'm posting this message  
to move along the process of moving the slony project to some more  
reliable infrastructure.

The consensus has been reached on the following:

1) to accept Command Prompt's offer to provide a server
2) to keep the repository as CVS
3) migrate the mailman list+archives to this server

I think it would be cool to make this box answer to http:// rather than having that URL redirect to some other  
name.  This will help reduce confusion too, I think.

Open items:

1) which issue/bug tracker?  the two options are: cvstrac (which  
gives us a free
    wiki and source browser in the process) or piggy-back on CMD's  

2) if/how to migrate existing tickets (open tix only, or closed tix  

Also, can the CMD folks comment on what kind of timetable is  
reasonable to do the move?
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