Andreas Kretschmer andreas.kretschmer
Fri Nov 24 23:31:54 PST 2006
am  Fri, dem 24.11.2006, um 22:11:56 +0100 mailte Andreas Kostyrka folgendes:
> > You need a primary key on each replicated table. If you haven't a
> > primary key, you *must* add one. You can use slonik for this:
> > 
> > table add key (node id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.staff');
> Although in the practice, it's way less painful to have an application
> level key added. table add key generated keys tend to be painful when
> it comes to backups.

Right, and the 'table add key' is DEPRECATED, but this hint is missing
in the docs.

Andreas Kretschmer
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