Brad Nicholson bnichols
Fri Nov 24 07:57:12 PST 2006
Is this a known error condition in slony 1.1.5?

I have the following set up:

set 1

Then I add set 2

first sub

Then I sub

At which time N650901 breaks with the following error message

2006-11-24 15:45:04 UTC DEBUG1 remoteWorkerThread_221: connected to data
provider 234 on 'host=host2 dbname=scratch user=slony port=5432'
2006-11-24 15:45:05 UTC DEBUG1 remoteWorkerThread_221: connected to data
provider 221 on 'host=host1 dbname=scratch user=slony port=5432'
2006-11-24 15:45:05 UTC DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_221: data provider 234
confirmed up to ev_seqno 1210938 for ev_origin 221 - OK
2006-11-24 15:45:05 UTC DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_221: syncing set 1
with 61 table(s) from provider 234
2006-11-24 15:45:05 UTC ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_221: "declare LOG
cursor for select     log_origin, log_xid, log_tableid,
log_actionseq, log_cmdtype, log_cmddata from "_scratch".sl_log_1 where
log_origin = 221 and (  order by log_actionseq; " PGRES_FATAL_ERROR
ERROR:  syntax error
at or near "order" at character 168
2006-11-24 15:45:05 UTC ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_221: "close LOG; "
PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands
until end of transaction block

Dropping the set, adding it again and making sure that the subscription
path for sets 1 and 2 are the same works.

Brad Nicholson  416-673-4106
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.

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