Thu Nov 23 20:46:03 PST 2006
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"Pradeep Parmar" <parmarpradeep at> writes: >> You will need to have primary keys on the tables for which you want to replicate data... > But slonik comand "TABLE ADD KEY" allows to create a key for the tables which don't have a primary key. > I'm using the same command for such tables in my database still encountering the error > <stdin>:7: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_slash".determineIdxnameUnique(' public.staff', NULL);? - ERROR:? Slony-I: table "public"."staff" has no primary key Yes, there is a command to support this; it is considered by various of the developers to be a misfeature. If you add a proper primary key to table "public"."staff", then that will resolve the issue. I decline to help figure out how to use a deprecatable feature. -- (format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "") <> Christopher Browne (416) 673-4124 (land)
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