Tomoaki Sato sato
Mon Nov 20 00:22:55 PST 2006

From: cbbrowne at
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:23:07 -0500 (EST)

> > Hi,
> >
> > I got an upgrade to the version 1.2.1, and configured a databse for
> > replication using altperl scripts. But "restore path" is not executed.
> >
> > In the slonik_init_cluster script, I seems not to be executed "restore
> > path" by the removing "listen path" generation.
> Listen paths no longer need to be generated in the Perl script because
> they are automatically generated on each node each time subscriptions are
> revised.

I understand it.

But I think that "listen path" is not automatically generated if
"store path" is not executed.

It is a part of as follows:

$slonik .=  "  echo 'Next: configure paths for each node/origin';\n";
foreach my $nodea (@NODES) {
  my $dsna = $DSN[$nodea];
  foreach my $nodeb (@NODES) {
    if ($nodea != $nodeb) {
      my $dsnb = $DSN[$nodeb];
      my $providerba = $VIA[$nodea][$nodeb];
      my $providerab = $VIA[$nodeb][$nodea];
      if (!$printed[$nodea][$nodeb] and $providerab == $nodea) {
        $slonik .= "  store path (server = $nodea, client = $nodeb, conninfo = '$dsna');\n";
        $printed[$nodea][$nodeb] = "done";
      if (!$printed[$nodeb][$nodea] and $providerba == $nodea) {
        $slonik .= "  store path (server = $nodeb, client = $nodea, conninfo = '$dsnb');\n";
        $printed[$nodeb][$nodea] = "done";

$VIA variable is not initialized, and "if" statement has never been
evaluated to true. Consequently, "store path" is not executed.

Or, is it my misunderstanding?


Tomoaki Sato <sato at>
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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