Tomoaki Sato sato
Sat Nov 18 15:00:56 PST 2006

I got an upgrade to the version 1.2.1, and configured a databse for
replication using altperl scripts. But "restore path" is not executed.

In the slonik_init_cluster script, I seems not to be executed "restore
path" by the removing "listen path" generation.

I attach the patch for the slonik_init_cluster script, only though it
returns to the previous version.


Tomoaki Sato <sato at>
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
-------------- next part --------------
Index: tools/altperl/
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/tools/altperl/,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5
--- tools/altperl/	7 Nov 2006 16:08:41 -0000	1.5
+++ tools/altperl/	18 Nov 2006 21:58:37 -0000
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@
 $slonik .=  "\n# STORE PATH\n";
+my @COST;
+my @VIA;
+my @PATH;
 $slonik .=  "  echo 'Next: configure paths for each node/origin';\n";
 foreach my $nodea (@NODES) {
   my $dsna = $DSN[$nodea];
@@ -72,3 +77,137 @@
 $slonik .=  "  echo 'Replication nodes prepared';\n";
 $slonik .=  "  echo 'Please start a slon replication daemon for each node';\n";
 run_slonik_script($slonik, 'INIT CLUSTER');
+sub generate_listen_paths {
+  my $infinity = 10000000;	# Initial costs are all infinite
+  foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+    foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+      $COST[$node1][$node2] = $infinity;
+    }
+  }
+  # Initialize paths between parents and children, and based on them,
+  # generate initial seeding of listener paths, @VIA
+  foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+    $COST[$node1][$node1] = 0;
+    $VIA[$node1][$node1] = 0;
+    foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+      if ($node2 != $node1) {
+	if ((not ($PARENT[$node1] or $PARENT[$node2])) or
+	    ($PARENT[$node1] and $PARENT[$node1] == $node2) or
+	    ($PARENT[$node2] and $PARENT[$node2] == $node1)) {
+	  $PATH[$node1][$node2] = 1;
+	  $PATH[$node2][$node1] = 1;
+	  # Set up a cost 1 path between them
+	  # Parent to child
+	  $COST[$node1][$node2] = 1;
+	  $VIA[$node1][$node2] = $node1;
+	  # Child to parent
+	  $COST[$node2][$node1] = 1;
+	  $VIA[$node2][$node1] = $node2;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Now, update the listener paths...
+  # 4 level nested iteration:
+  # 1 while not done, do
+  #   2 for each node, node1
+  #     3 for each node, node2, where node2 <> node1, where we don't
+  #           yet have a listener path
+  #       4 for each node node3 (<> node1 or node2),
+  #          consider introducing the listener path:
+  #                 node1 to node2 then node2 to node3
+  # In concept, it's an O(n^4) algorithm; since the number of nodes, n,
+  # is not likely to get particularly large, it's not worth tuning
+  # further.
+  $didwork = "yes";
+  while ($didwork eq "yes") {
+    $didwork = "no";
+    foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+      foreach my $node3 (@NODES) {
+	if (($VIA[$node3][$node1] == 0) && ($node3 != $node1)) {
+	  foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+	    if ($PATH[$node1][$node2] && ($VIA[$node2][$node3] != 0) && ($node2 != $node3) && ($node2 != $node1)) {
+	      # Consider introducing a path from n1 to n2 then n2 to n3
+	      # as a cheaper alternative to going direct from n1 to n3
+	      my $oldcost = $COST[$node3][$node1];
+	      my $newcost = $COST[$node1][$node2] + $COST[$node2][$node3];
+	      if ($newcost < $oldcost) {
+		$didwork = "yes";
+				# So we go via node 2
+		$VIA[$node3][$node1] = $node2;
+		$COST[$node3][$node1] = $newcost;
+		$VIA[$node1][$node3] = $node2;
+		$COST[$node1][$node3] = $newcost;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+sub report_on_paths {
+  print "# Configuration Summary:\n";
+  print "#\n";
+  print "# COST\n";
+  print "#      ";
+  foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+    printf "| %3d ", $node2;
+  }
+  print "|\n# ";
+  print ("-----+" x (scalar(@NODES) + 1));
+  print "\n";
+  foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+    printf "#  %3d ", $node1;
+    foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+      if ($COST[$node2][$node1] == $infinity) {
+	printf "| inf ";
+      } else {
+	printf "|%4d ", $COST[$node2][$node1];
+      }
+    }
+    print "|\n";
+  }
+  print "# \n";
+  print "# VIA\n";
+  print "#      ";
+  foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+    printf "| %3d ", $node2;
+  }
+  print "|\n# ";
+  print ("-----+" x (scalar(@NODES) + 1));
+  print "\n";
+  foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+    printf "#  %3d ", $node1;
+    foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+      printf "|%4d ", $VIA[$node2][$node1];
+    }
+    print "|\n";
+  }
+  print "# \n";
+  print "# PATHS\n";
+  print "#      ";
+  foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+    printf "| %3d ", $node2;
+  }
+  print "|\n# ";
+  print ("-----+" x (scalar(@NODES) + 1));
+  print "\n";
+  foreach my $node1 (@NODES) {
+    printf "#  %3d ", $node1;
+    foreach my $node2 (@NODES) {
+      printf "|%4d ", $PATH[$node2][$node1];
+    }
+    print "|\n";
+  }
+  print "\n";

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