Brian Wipf brian
Tue Nov 14 15:23:38 PST 2006
I guess this depends on the version of ps being used. The original  
'ps auxww $SLONPID' on my box would list all processes, not just  
those for $SLONPID. My attempted "solution" wasn't very good,  
because, of course, $SLONPID could occur anywhere as the pid, ppid,  
command name, etc. Under SUSE 10.1, ps can be given a -p flag to  
specify listing for a process id. I guess that would be the way to go  
on my box. YMMV

Brian Wipf
<brian at>

On 14-Nov-06, at 3:29 PM, Brian Wipf wrote:

> To properly determine when slon isn't running even though there is  
> a pid file, I believe line 73 of the file needs  
> to be modified as follows:
> FINDIT=`ps auxww $SLONPID | grep slon`
> should be:
> FINDIT=`ps auxww | grep $SLONPID | grep slon`
> Brian Wipf
> <brian at>

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