Jan Wieck JanWieck
Tue Nov 14 09:30:21 PST 2006
On 11/9/2006 7:39 AM, Julian Scarfe wrote:
> From: "Jan Wieck" <JanWieck at Yahoo.com>
>>>> These release candidates have been out for over a week now and there
>>>> has been literally zero feedback. Is ANYONE at all testing these at all?
> I just tried the 3-node multiset switchover with the issue that I reported 
> on 1.2.0RC4
> http://gborg.postgresql.org/pipermail/slony1-general/2006-September/004987.html
> (which I don't recall you or Christopher commenting on) and previously in
> http://gborg.postgresql.org/pipermail/slony1-general/2006-August/004774.html

I changed the behaviour of the watchdog process. If the child terminates 
with exit code zero, it will restart it immediately instead of waiting 
for 10 seconds.

As for the duplicate key errors, can it be that you have sequences 
replicated and that those actually are in a different set than the table 
they belong to?

In any case, the multi-set move procedure should lock all sets first, 
then attempt to move them.


> The problem persists in 1.2.1.
> The problem is only on node 3 (in a 1 -> 2 -> 3 setup) with a 10-set 
> consecutive MOVE SET from 1 to 2.  I don't appear to be seeing any data 
> loss, but there are "ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint" on 
> primary keys appearing in the node 3 log, and slon on Node 3 dies 10 times. 
> I can provide more detail on request.
> Without your input, I have no way of knowing if this is a Slony bug or just 
> a problem with the way I've set it up.
> Julian Scarfe 
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# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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