Bernd Helmle mailings
Fri Nov 3 07:25:58 PST 2006
--On Freitag, Oktober 27, 2006 17:45:24 +0000 Christopher Browne 
<cbbrowne at> wrote:

> Bernd Helmle wrote:
>> Please consider this small patch which adjusts both scripts
>> tools/altperl/slonik_print_preamble and
>> tools/altperl/slonik_drop_table
>> to look for and slon_tools.conf in the configure'd
>> directories.
>> If there are any open issues, let me know ;)
> I'd already applied a change for this, but thanks very much for the
> other altperl changes, which I'm applying...

Seems you have missed the script. My fresh
-head checkout doesn't have the required fixes for this script applied.



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