Vivek Khera vivek
Tue Mar 21 18:33:27 PST 2006
On Mar 21, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Ujwal S. Setlur wrote:

> Are there any general slony maintenance guidelines for
> such a scenario? For example, I noticed last night
> that sl_log_1 was very big (~25 million entries). Does
> slony take care of these things, or do I need to do
> anything?

Unless your disk system is *wicked* fast, you're not gonna catch up.   
When my replication falls behind like that, it takes on the order of  
5 minutes per event id.  And I generate at least a few per minute.  I  
don't know what kind of indexing might make that run any faster --  
the time is all spent in the select on sl_log_1 on the origin.

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