Melvin Davidson mdavidson
Tue Jul 25 12:41:16 PDT 2006
> ERROR: no admin conninfo for node 134589040

>STORE PATH ( SERVER=1,CLIENT=2,CONNINFO='dbname=pgbenchdb1 
>host=localhost user=slonyuser');
>STORE PATH ( SERVER=2,CLIENT=1,CONNINFO='dbname=pgbenchdb2 
>host= user=slonyuser');

Is it possible that your port for postgresql is other than 5432?
If so, you need to also specify that in your connection info and path.

eg: NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='dbname=pgbenchdb1 host=localhost port=<actual
value> user=slonyuser';
    STORE PATH ( SERVER=1,CLIENT=2,CONNINFO='dbname=pgbenchdb1
host=localhost port=<actual value>user=slonyuser');

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