Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Jul 20 14:21:01 PDT 2006
Bill Moran wrote:
> tools/ does not work as distributed with Slony
> 1.1.5 (I've been trying to check cvs, but gborg appears to be down).
> The patch below makes the script work for me.  It's not my fix: it
> was provided via IRC:
> 36,37c36,37
> <    when errcount = 0 then 'OK - '||ttlcount||' nodes in sync'
> <    else 'ERROR - ONLY '||ttlcount-errcount||' of '||ttlcount||' nodes in sync'
> ---
>>    when ttlcount = okcount then 'OK - '||okcount||' nodes in sync'
>>    else 'ERROR - '||ttlcount-okcount||' of '||ttlcount||' nodes not in sync'
> 45c45
> < -- determine active nodes not syncing within 10 seconds
> ---
>> -- determine active nodes syncing within 10 seconds
> 55c55
> < where cfmdelay < interval '-10 secs') as errcount
> ---
>> where cfmdelay < interval '10 secs') as okcount
CVS HEAD has the version you suggest; actually, my "1.1-stable" archive
indicates that the patch you suggest should have been included
throughout 1.1...

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