Bill Moran wmoran
Tue Jul 18 11:45:07 PDT 2006
We're looking at potentially replicating a bunch of databases
with Slony (we're in the ASP space).

Unless there's some other trick I'm not aware of, this will require
starting a pair of slon processes for each replicated database.

I'm looking to rewrite the script provided with the FreeBSD
port in order to make it behave more like the Apache rc script does.
i.e. you'd have something in rc.conf like this:

slon_profiles="db1 db2 db3"

... and the startup script would automagically do the right thing.

Before I charge forward, I wanted to get any feedback/suggestions
on this approach.  Anyone see any problems with doing this, or
have suggestions on how to do it better than the Apache script does?

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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