elein elein
Mon Jul 17 10:35:55 PDT 2006
On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 03:11:21PM +0300, Devrim GUNDUZ wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 19:38 -0700, elein wrote:
> > Question: Is slony contained in any distributions?  
> In fact I could push RPMs into Fedora Core, but it is nothing but my
> laziness. It would be better if Tom builds the RPM and pushes it into
> Red Hat ;) However I don't think that he has enough time for this, per
> his one of the recent mails to -hackers.
> However I don't feel strong about pushing it into distros. Personally I
> build RPMs for many distros, including RHEL. But if there is a desire
> from the community, I can push it to Fedora Extras -- AFAIR our RPM and
> spec file passes Fedora standards.

Good information. Thank you.


> Cheers,
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