Richard Yen dba
Wed Jul 12 15:04:37 PDT 2006
Thank you very much for the help...adding "event node" to the STORE  
NODE command did the trick.

node 1 will be offline for an indeterminate time, and I've done DROP  
NODE on it.  We get quite a bit of load on a daily basis, and what  
I'm doing to do is a STORE NODE rebuild of node 1 once we've figured  
out what kind of hardware problems we have.  Once it's all synced up,  
we'll put it back on production (Hope that's what you were suggesting  
when you said "complete rebuild")


On Jul 12, 2006, at 6:47 AM, Jan Wieck wrote:

> On 7/11/2006 1:36 PM, Richard Yen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently did a MOVE SET switchover from node 1 to node 3 on a 3-  
>> node system.  So, all that remains are nodes 2 and 3, while we  
>> run  hardware tests on node 1.
>> What I'm trying to do now is to add a node 4 to serve as a relay  
>> to  an offsite node.
>> However, when I try to run a slonik script, I get the following  
>> error  message:
>> Error: No admin conninfo provided for node 1
>> Since node 1 is inactive (and no longer in the sl_nodes, sl_path,   
>> etc. tables), how can I run a slonik script?
> Add "event node = 3" to the commands that fail. The default event  
> node is 1.
> Also, are you going to have node 1 offline for so long that it  
> warrants a complete rebuild as opposed to a catch up? If the DB  
> isn't heavily updated, it might have been possible to just take it  
> offline, let it later catch up and switch back.
> Jan
> -- 
> #===================================================================== 
> =#
> # It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being  
> right. #
> # Let's break this rule - forgive  
> me.                                  #
> #==================================================  
> JanWieck at #

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