Darcy Buskermolen darcy
Tue Jul 11 15:21:28 PDT 2006
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 11:38, Darcy Buskermolen wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 July 2006 09:43, Christopher Browne wrote:
> > I have set up tarballs for a first release candidate; Jan should be
> > uploading those soon, and I'll see about updating the web site when they
> > are uploaded...
> Umm re-wrap RC-.  code in CVS would not compile on older versions of GCC.
> (you can't declare vars in the middle of a control block).  I have since
> fixed this.

Ok there is more breakage under olderversions of PG.  For example continue is 
not a valid loop destructor in plpgsql for PG versions prior to 8.1
  We will need to refactor slon_quote_input to not use these features.  I'll 
look at this a bit later but my available time to work on this is somewhat 
limited.  Any chance you can look at this Jan since you were the last to 
alter this function.

Also it looks like you can't call functions in the raise notice/error output 
in plpgsql in 8.0 either.   I do have a fix for where that is used in 
checkmoduleversion() that I'll commit right away.

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Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.

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