Thu Jul 6 10:00:40 PDT 2006
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In response to the issues observed with nullable columns found in columns used for would-be candidate primary keys, I have added the following logic to the setAddTable_int() function: v_pkcand_nn := ''f''; for v_prec in select attname from "pg_catalog".pg_attribute where attrelid = (select oid from "pg_catalog".pg_class where oid = v_tab_reloid) and attname in (select attname from "pg_catalog".pg_attribute where attrelid = (select oid from "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_index PGX where PGC.relname = p_tab_idxname and PGX.indexrelid=PGC.oid and PGX.indrelid = v_tab_reloid)) and attnotnull <> ''t'' loop raise notice ''Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table % PK column % nullable'', p_fqname, v_prec.attname; v_pkcand_nn := ''t''; end loop; if v_pkcand_nn then raise exception ''Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table % not replicable!'', p_fqname; end if; Existing regression tests work fine, as they have perfectly good candidate primary keys. The following table doesn't: -- Add schema for table4 that hasn't got a good candidate PK create table table4 ( id serial NOT NULL, id2 integer ); create unique index no_good_candidate_pk on table4 (id, id2); -- Slonik to try to replicate this bad table: set add table (id=4, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.table4', key = 'no_good_candidate_pk'); Log output when this is submitted: cbbrowne at dba2:~/Slony-I/slony1-HEAD-pristine/tests> more /tmp/slony-regress.v17146/slonik.log Thursday 16:53:34 <stdin>:10: NOTICE: Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table public.table4 PK column id2 nullable CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT "_slony_regress1".setAddTable_int( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 )" PL/pgSQL function "setaddtable" line 37 at perform <stdin>:10: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_slony_regress1".setAddTable(1, 4, 'public.table4', 'no_good_candidate_pk', 'public.table4'); - ERROR: Slony-I: setAddTable_int: table public.table4 not replicable! CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT "_slony_regress1".setAddTable_int( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 )" PL/pgSQL function "setaddtable" line 37 at perform <stdin>:4: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (0) 0.0, defaulting to 8.0 support That should suitably prevent adding tables to replication that have nullable "candidate primary key" columns...
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