Alan Hodgson ahodgson
Sun Jan 29 15:06:14 PST 2006
> On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 11:31:51AM -0800, ML mail wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >  I was reading throught the documentation of Slony-I and it is
> >  always speaking of replication 1 single database. I have many
> >  databases in one PostgreSQL engine for different purposes
> >  (especially for websites virtualhost). Is it somehoe possible to
> >  tell Slony-I to replicate ALL the databases ?

You would need to separately configure each database, and indeed, each 
table, for replication.  You would need 1 slon process per database per 

It is also doubtful that you would want the management overhead of doing 
this.  Slony replicated tables have to be treated specially for DDL 

Are you doing this for backup purposes?  If so, PITR on-line backup might be 
more appropriate.

When we vote for taxes, we are voting to steal from our neighbors

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