Chris Browne cbbrowne
Thu Jan 26 11:42:27 PST 2006
At long last, here is version 1.1.5, which now supports PostgreSQL version 8.1.

This has been run thru the Release Checklist

There are two tarballs: slony1-1.1.5.tar.bz2 and prebuilt docs:
slony1-docs-1.1.5-docs.tar.bz2  [see < for URLs...]

The sources include the "new generation" test scripts, which make
running a set of tests easier; see tests/README for more details.

There are a few pointedly tasty improvements in store:

   1. Compatibility with 8.1. There was a sort of "interlock" that
   abused pg_listener in order to make sure that each node was being
   managed by one and only one slon process. Functionality of
   Async_Unlisten() changed in 8.1, so we had to change strategy to
   use a new custom table to manage this.

   2. Improved SUBSCRIBE SET performance. Indices are temporarily
   detached during the COPY statements, and then reattached and
   reindexed, which, in principle, should mean that subscribing a set
   should even be a bit faster than restoring from pg_dump (with
   Slony-I all the indices are regenerated together, so there should
   be benefits from the data already being in cache).

   3. The New Generation test scripts have been added in, which should
   make it easier to run tests.

   4. TRUNCATE is used to clear out tables at subscription time, if

   5. Man pages for slon, slonik, as well as all the slonik commands
   can now be generated. (It's unclear if this will necessarily be
   widely packaged straight off.)

   6. There is official Debian packaging under way, in the
   "experimental" area.

   7. A fairly large number of minor bugs that have been reported have
   been fixed.
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "")
"What   is  the  purpose   of  a   person  acquiring   perfect  French
pronunciation if they  have nothing of value to  say in any language?"
-- Walter Ong

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