Bill Moran wmoran
Fri Aug 18 06:32:48 PDT 2006
In response to "Andy Dale" <andy.dale at>:

> Hi,
> I am currently researching the capabilities of Slony-l, and have so far
> managed to set up a simple example and it works (can be found here
> ), but unfortunately not in real time (with insert into statements).  Is
> this supposed to be the intended behaviour of slony ? and if not how do i
> create a subscription set that is always running, and thus always updating
> the slave in real time.

Slony is not designed to be real time.  It's a lazy replication scheme.

If you _NEED_ real time, then investigate something like pgCluster.

> I have inserted 1000's of records into the table (on Master Node) after
> doing my initial replication, but the changes are never replication to the
> slave, do i have to run the script every time i want to replicate ????

Something is configured wrong.  If you provide details of your config, I'm
sure folks can help.  In my stress-testing, Slony is capable of replicating
100s of rows per second, sustained.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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