cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Wed Aug 16 05:09:43 PDT 2006
> The timezone on our boxes is set as Etc/UCT.
> => select to_char(current_timestamp, 'HH12:MI:SS TZ');
>    to_char
> --------------
>  08:46:20 UCT
> However "UCT" is not a valid input format:
> => select '08:46:20 UCT'::time;
> ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type time: "08:46:20 UCT"
> Is there perhaps an assumption somewhere that what comes out is valid to
> go
> back in?

Right.  You need to use a timezone that PostgreSQL recognizes.

This is by no means a new issue; people have noticed this requirement
since version 1.0.


 Some users have reported problems that have been traced to their locales
indicating the use of some time zone that PostgreSQL did not recognize.

    * On AIX, TZ=CUT0 was unrecognized, leading to timestamps pulled from
system calls causing it to break.

      CUT0 is a variant way of describing UTC

    * Some countries' timezones are not yet included in PostgreSQL.

In any case, what commonly seems to be the "best practice" with Slony-I
(and, for that matter, PostgreSQL) is for the postmaster user and/or the
user under which slon runs to use TZ=UTC or TZ=GMT. Those timezones are
sure to be supported on any platform, and have the merit over "local"
timezones that times never wind up leaping around due to Daylight Savings

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