Mon Aug 7 03:31:52 PDT 2006
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I'm getting this error: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "sl_table_tab_reloid_key" when creating a second set. The first set is created/replicated fine. Then I try to create a second set containing some of the tables in the first set and it gives me this error on the first table which coincidentally also exists in the first set. Note that my tables are created without OIDs. I am using one postgres instance for everything right now, this will change. So I have the first set replicated to a different database fine. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I'm using postgres 8.1.3, slony 1.1.5. I do see that a related message in the archives ( ), but in this case I'm adding a table to an empty set. Here is the slonik script: # CREATE SET try { create set (id = 2, origin = 1, comment = 'Set 2 for xyz'); } on error { echo 'Could not create subscription set 2 for xyz!'; exit -1; } # SET ADD TABLE echo 'Subscription set 2 created'; echo 'Adding tables to the subscription set'; set add table (set id = 2, origin = 1, id = 1000, full qualified name = 'public.account', comment = 'Table public.account with primary key'); ... It errors right after this set add table. I can provide more information. Thanks for any help, George
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