Vivek Khera vivek
Thu May 26 17:02:16 PDT 2005
On May 25, 2005, at 5:03 PM, Andrew Hammond wrote:

> I'd like to see how you're doing that. Does it require root to do? I
> seem to remember something deamontools related that required root.

Yeah, the service monitor runs as root.  Here's the slon "service"  
directory tree attached.  You configure it by setting files in the  
env subdirectory with the name of the environment variable you need  
to set, so for example you'd change the contents of the CLUSTER and  
DBNAME files, and perhaps remove the others as they have sensible  

Once you put this directory (or symlink to it, which is preferred) in  
the service monitor's directory, slon will fire up within a few seconds.

Then you use the "svc" program to stop/restart it as needed.

The integration into freebsd is quite nice with the daemontools package.

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