Andrew Sullivan ajs
Thu May 26 06:26:44 PDT 2005
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 11:18:12AM +0630, Narasimha.Sridhar at wrote:
> Hi
> Can anybody tell me whether Slony-I replication works with Postgres 
> v7.2.1. I dont
> see any document specifying the minimum postgres version required by 
> Slony-I. 

Slony-I requires 7.3 or later.  Rod Taylor, on this list, has
mentioned that he hacked it to work for his 7.2 -> later version
upgrade.  He's aso told me that it wasn't exactly fun; but it's not
impossible, for special cases.  I don't think I'd want to run with it
for any length of time.

At the VERY LEAST, you'd best get off 7.2.1 to something later (i.e.
the last 7.2 release).  ISTR some nasty bug or other in 7.2.1.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
The whole tendency of modern prose is away from concreteness.
		--George Orwell

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