Scott Marlowe smarlowe
Wed May 18 15:35:39 PDT 2005
On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 12:24, Nugent, Brian wrote:
> I need a replication system for PostgreSQL.  I have laptops that spend 
> 4 to 5 days off of the network at a time.  Will slony1 work with a mobile
> work force?  Also, what is the maximum object size that slony1 will handle?

You don't really give us enough information about your problem to be
able to solve it.  Will you need two way replication, will there be data
collisions that will need to be resolved, are these data sets being
collated on one big server, do the sets tend to be orthogonal to each

Generally, this type of problem is far more complex than most people
realize, and each solution is different based on your business needs.

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