Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Jun 29 16:12:14 PDT 2005
With the release of 1.1.0, this now frees us to start looking at what
should start going into version 1.2.  A number of activities have been
awaiting this:

1.  Known enhancements where concrete changes are forthcoming:
 a) Rotating between sl_log_1 and sl_log_2
 b) Improving performance of COPY_SET by dropping/recreating indices
 c) Win32 support
 d) Major revision to test suite

2.  Plausible Changes (if we can come up with strategies/time):
 a) Reduce numbers of redundant changes submitted in sl_seqlog
 b) Reduce numbers of pg_listener entries that need to be destroyed
 c) Migrate documentation from DocBook/SGML to DocBook/XML
 d) Invalidate cached SPI plans so that when Slony-I is deinstalled
    from a node, queries don't fail due to pointing to the now-invalid
    query plans
 e) Separate fetch/put into their own threads so updates (on subscriber)
    can be concurrent with the fetchs (on provider)

3.  Migrate to pgFoundry

    Which offers a fair bit more functionality than GBorg...

    This might include such things as:
    - Moving from CVS to Subversion (if possible; it's not clear how
      supported Subversion is at pgFoundry at this time)
    - Separating out some of the components to separate repositories
      (e.g. - the "Admin Guide" isn't really part of the replication
       engine, so we almost certainl shouldn't pretend that it is...)
      Likely repositories would include:
        a) 'minimal' "replication engine" repository
        b) Admin guide
        c) Perhaps multiple repositories for different groups of
           tools/scripts including:
           - 'altperl'
           - Log Shipping samples/helpers
           - Maintenance jobs (e.g. -
           - Monitoring scripts
           These are presently somewhat jumbled together...

    There already is a Slony-I project at; it is likely
    that the migration will take place over the span of at least a
    month, so that things are thought through, and done coherently.

Supposing we could accomplish merely the items in 1) and 3) between
now and (say) September, that would provide a quite compelling 1.2
release, as those changes should lead to a quite appreciable
improvement in performance, combined with the addition of Windows support.

In the short term, by all means, please continue to report bugs and
requests for features at GBorg

Those that hang out on IRC should consider the above a pretty fair
"target for discussion."  :-).  I'm sure this quasi-plan will change
somewhat when others get to react to it!

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