cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Tue Jun 28 13:28:10 PDT 2005
> I try to edit the replicate DB. From slave (Replicate
> DB) I dump that DB (from slave), and create new DB,
> and got error when trying to edit.
> the message : Slony-I: Table bsadjbs is replicated and
> cannot be modified on a subscriber node.
> 1. how to make that DB (tables) are writeable? is it
> posible?

I take it that what you want to do is to turn some replicated copy into a
"plain unreplicated" database, right?

There is a bit of a problem with taking a pg_dump of a subscriber in that
Slony-I "corrupts" the rules/triggers on each subscriber, pointing them to
the primary key.  I'm not just sure what falls out when you do that...

The "ideally right" way to do this is to take the subscriber node (not
dumped), and basically switch it off.  Supposing it's node #4...

 include <preamble.slonik>;

In view of your having created a dumped copy in the database
'dumped_copy', well, you could define a little slonik script...

cluster name=foo;
node 1 admin conninfo='dbname=dumped_copy';
uninstall node (id=1);

That should clean out the Slony-I-specific objects for cluster 'foo'; the
results for those fudged-with-triggers may be a tad incomplete...

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