Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Jul 27 21:49:18 PDT 2005
Darcy Buskermolen wrote:

>C) determine if the desired log shipping behavior is observed.
Not the case for the SUBSCRIBE SET event.

It's easy to characterize by grabbing an extract of what is generated
for one table.

delete from "public"."branches";copy "public"."branches" from stdin;
1       2112818 \N
select "_T1".enableSubscriptionIndexes('"public"."branches"'); reindex
table "public"."branches"; analyze "public"."branches"; select



1.  There should be a query of the following form at the beginning...

    select "_T1".disableSubscriptionIndexes('"public"."branches"');

2.  The functions enableSubscriptionIndexes(),
disableSubscriptionIndexes(), and maintenance_work_mem() are not defined
in tools/

I'll see about sending you a patch for the latter...

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