Ian Burrell ianburrell
Mon Jul 25 22:25:36 PDT 2005
I sent a patch earlier which fixes slon_watchdog.pl.  I would like to
see it comitted.  Slon_watchdog.pl is supposed to call
slonik_restart_node, but is currently calling restart_node.  I am
guessing it didn't get changed when the programs were renamed.

I have appended the patch.

 - Ian

diff -u -b -B -r1.11 slon_watchdog.pl
--- tools/altperl/slon_watchdog.pl      16 Mar 2005 18:57:21 -0000      1.11
+++ tools/altperl/slon_watchdog.pl      25 Jul 2005 21:22:21 -0000
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     print SLONLOG "WATCHDOG: You ought to check the postmaster and
slon for evidence of a crash!\n";
     print SLONLOG "WATCHDOG: I'm going to restart slon for $node...\n";
     # First, restart the node using slonik
-    system "@@TOOLSBIN@@/restart_node $node | @@PGBINDIR@@/slonik";
+    system "@@TOOLSBIN@@/slonik_restart_node $node | @@PGBINDIR@@/slonik";
     # Next, restart the slon process to service the node
     $pid = get_pid($node);

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