cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Thu Jan 27 04:37:57 PST 2005
> I've been browsing through the documentation, and came across the
> following
> two statements, which seem to be contradictory:
>>From doc/howto/randomfacts.txt:
>> 3.  No, you don't really need a "node 1".
>> In many places, slonik defaults kind of assume that there is one, but
>> it doesn't HAVE to be there.
>>From doc/howto/slonik_commands.html, ID variable of INIT CLUSTER:
>> The unique, numeric ID number of the node. This MUST be 1.
> doc/adminguide/slonik_ref.sgml doesn't mention this requirement, so should
> that sentence be removed from doc/howto/slonik_commands.html?

That HTML file is now quite obsolete in view of slonik_ref.sgml including
all that documentation and more.

I'm going to see about changing at least one of the "ducttape" examples to
have the 'master node' be node 2 and the 'slave' be some rather higher
number just to demonstrate the non-necessity.

There are plenty of places where slonik defaults to treat the "event node"
as 1; not having a node 1 requires somewhat more verbose slonik scripts...

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