Darcy Buskermolen darcy
Wed Jan 19 18:58:04 PST 2005
On January 19, 2005 10:23 am, Brian Hirt wrote:
> hi
> i have a simple master slave setup.  At some point in the future, i'd
> like to upgrade to postgres 8.0.   For minor dot releases, i would shut
> down slony and postgres, upgrade postgres, rebuild slony against the
> new postgres and restart both, swithover and do the same on the old
> master and swithover again and everything would work fine.
> None of these dot upgrades required an initdb/dump/reload.    I am
> hoping that for moving to 8.0 i can do the same, but during the upgrade
> process do a dump/initdb/reload.  Will this approach work, or are their
> strange caveats for things like xid's and oid's?

Yes there are sorts of problems in this related to oids.  In the slony 1.0.x 
tree, there is no nice way to do a pg_dump/reload cycle and have everything 
(anything) work.   There is code in 1.1 (not yet released) that accomidates 
this very task.

> I can always drop the slave node, upgrade postgres and slony and
> initdb, load schema, and rerun my slony script to add the slave node,
> create the sets and add the tables and sequences, however i don't want
> to use this approach because during the subscription process, there is
> a pretty heavy load put on the master as data is dumped and reloaded.
> Plus, I'll have to do this twice.  Plus, our database is large enough
> that adding a node takes a very very long time.

Currently the recomended way of doing a version upgrade is to brin the new 
version online as a new subscriber node, let it catchup and promote it's way 
to master.

> On a side note, It would be great if we could get a FAQ going on the
> gborg site.   This will probably be a pretty common question over the
> next few months as people upgrade to 8.0.    Christopher has one at
> http://linuxdatabases.info/info/faq.html it seems like it might be
> linked to form the gborg project pages, or just moved there.
> --brian
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Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx:  250.763.1759

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