David Parker dparker
Sat Apr 30 20:10:20 PDT 2005
Still on slony 1.0.2....;-(, after failing over to a backup, then
re-subscribing the failed node to the cluster, I am seeing messages in
the slon log:
    Transactions earlier than XID <some number> are still in progress.
so the copy_set goes into a sleep/retry loop. In my database I saw a
couple of pids in pg_stat_activity with "in transaction" as the
current_query, but the state of these pids did not appear to be
changing, and I didn't see anything suspicious in pg_locks. I assume one
of these transactions was holding things up, because once I killed the
two pids in question (this is a test environment), the copy_set finally
went through.
So my question is: is there any way to signal slon to go ahead with the
copy, or to somehow manually update the slony database to indicate that
the transactions are up-to-date? Obviously one doesn't want to go blindy
doing stuff like this, but "faking-out" the slon would be less harmful
in this case than killing postmaster processes....

David Parker    Tazz Networks    (401) 709-5130

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