Jan Wieck JanWieck
Wed Apr 27 13:09:52 PDT 2005
On 4/26/2005 9:10 PM, Christian Storm wrote:

> We are working on a script that is meant to monitor the "behindness" of 
> our master to two slave setup.
> I have been researching online trying to figure out how to interpret 
> the sl_status values
> on the master versus the slaves.   From my reading it seems like we 
> should be monitoring
> the master sl_status table for the "behindness" of each of the slaves. 

You have to monitor per set on its origin. The subscribers don't have 
unapplied events in their sl_event table yet, so there is no way to 
measure anything there.


> As an alternative could we measure the "caught-up-ness"
> in the slaves sl_status table?  How are these values related or 
> different?
> Thanks for the help!
> Christian 
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