cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info cbbrowne
Sat Apr 23 15:06:02 PDT 2005
> From: "Christopher Browne" <cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info>
> To: "Devrim GUNDUZ" <devrim at gunduz.org>
>>> I'm experiencing a problem while compiling it on RHEL 4:
>>> ==================================================================
>>> make[2]: Entering directory
>>> `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/slony1-1.1.0.beta1/doc/adminguide'
> ...
>>> openjade:plainpaths.sgml:12:0: start tag was here
>>> openjade:plainpaths.sgml:35:14:E: end tag for "PARA" omitted, but
>>> NO was specified
>> Omitting plenty, this is mostly a result of your CATALOG file having an
>> OMITTAG NO where others evidently had OMITTAG YES.  Presumably a
>> difference between environments.
>> I'll see about running the SGML thru some normalization tools so that
>> it'll work under either condition.
> Did you find any solutions or workarounds for this?  I'm getting exactly
> the
> same on a Fedora system.  Can this OMITTAG switch be set explicitly
> somewhere, even if that's not the most elegant solution in the long term?

Yes, you can set OMITTAG YES.

Take a look for the file "docbook.dcl"; its location may vary a little.

There will be a further release which may get things closer.  Thus far,
*most* changes since the beta release have been to improve documentation.

There is another problem we run into which is related, and which is not
particularly amenable to other than a "hack with the DocBook declarations"
patch.  The database schema documentation is generated using Rod Taylor's
"autodoc" tool, and generates names longer than the 44 characters that are
sometimes the NAMELEN limit.

It is interesting that both issues have been objected to simultaneously in
OASIS discussions:


I'm not particularly inclined to run slipshod over how some distributions
handle this (apparently SuSE Linux is the one noted for doing "hard
enforcement" of this stuff), but in the case of NAMELEN, don't see too
much choice :-(.

Useful recommendations are welcome...

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