Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Apr 14 18:58:45 PDT 2005
The Slony-I team is pleased to present the first beta release for
Slony-I version 1.1, the most most advanced replication solution for
the most advanced Open Source Database in the world.

The release tarball is available for download here:
slony1-1.1-beta.tar.gz. See the HISTORY-1.1 file for a detailed list
of changes.

Major changes include:

- Greatly expanded documentation

- Slonik configuration language supports @include and @define,
analagous #include and #define in C.

- Automatic generation of "listen paths" which required complex and
error-prone manual effort in earlier versions

- Slon daemon processes can draw configuration from a configuration
file as an alternative to all parameters being passed in via command

- Log spooling allows replicated data to be stored in files to be
transmitted by various means to support remote sites that cannot be
safely connected to a secure data center.

- Inclusion of an increasing sophisticated set of administrative
scripts to operate and monitor Slonik installations

- Adaptive grouping of updates diminishes the need for administrator

- Signal handling changes build a watchdog into the slon process,
allowing the system to detect and rectify a number of deadlock
situations without requiring user intervention

- Improved tuning of cleanup behaviour to avoid cases of wasted

- Build environment has removed the requirement of having access to an
entire PostgreSQL source tree, which will make it much easier to build
"packaged" versions of Slony-I

All this is in addition to numerous bug fixes and minor enhancements
of the past six months.
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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