Thu Apr 14 13:41:37 PDT 2005
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] Table has no unique index - is this a bug?
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> psql master <<_EOPSQL_ > drop table test2; > create table test2 (testid int unique not null); > _EOPSQL_ > > ## slony init stuff goes here > .... > ## init stuff end > > set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=2, fully qualified name = > 'public.test2', key = 'testid' ); > ######### > > 'set add table' fails with error: > > <stdin>:14: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select > "_test".determineIdxnameUnique('public.test2', 'testid'); - ERROR: > Slony-I: table public.test2 has nounique index testid > > I can add a table _only_ if I create primary key, but sometimes I > cannot do this (because of existing multi-column PKEYs). > > Is this a bug, or I'm missing something? <> If you have got a key that is defined as a primary key, then Slony-I can pick it up automatically. If you have a candidate primary key (that is, an index that is unique and not null, but which is NOT the primary key constraint on the table), then you'll have to give Slony-I a hint by telling it which such index to use as its key. After all, there could be several candidates.
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] Table has no unique index - is this a bug?
- Next message: [Slony1-general] Table has no unique index - is this a bug?
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