Mon Apr 11 17:17:41 PDT 2005
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Niels Breet wrote: >>We're at the point now where we need to see about freezing 1.1 against >>further changes so we can see about getting a release out. There are >>rather a lot of improvements, and it seems worthwhile to see about taking >>advantage of some of them :-). >> >>I am aware of two things still undergoing some effort: >> >> >>1. Quoting handling - so that identifiers like "user" can be names of >>tables/columns >> >> > >Just added another patch, not all problems are fixed yet. Indexes that >need quoting are still broken. > > > As long as this hasn't broken existing cases that used to work, I don't see a problem with having a patch for this come in a little later; is that immanent? By the way, it would be a slick idea to add a "ducttape" script to check this stuff; should be pretty easy... >>2. Attempts to support Win32 >> >> >> >It is too much work to fix that in time. > > Agreed. >Another thing I noticed today is the slonik function "UPDATE FUNCTIONS". >If you are running PostgreSQL 8.x.x then it doesn't work. There are >no separate 8.0 slony1_funcs scripts yet etc etc. > > It shouldn't; for versions 8.0 and 8.x (there isn't yet an 8.x for x!=0), the major version for functions is based on version 7.4. See line 1799 in src/slonik/slonik.c Do you see a test case breaking?
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