Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Sat Apr 2 00:18:45 PST 2005
We're at the point now where we need to see about freezing 1.1 against
further changes so we can see about getting a release out.  There are
rather a lot of improvements, and it seems worthwhile to see about
taking advantage of some of them :-).

I am aware of two things still undergoing some effort:

 1.  Quoting handling - so that identifiers like "user" can be names of tables/columns

In CVS logs:
revision 1.29
date: 2005/03/30 15:24:13;  author: xfade;  state: Exp;  lines: +133 -10
First step of implementing slon_quote_ident. This adds code taken from PostgreSQL -HEAD. Our function now quotes all identifiers known by your version of PostgreSQL.

 2.  Attempts to support Win32

 Evidently 1.1 may have moved things a bit backwards from 1.0, which
 is, alas, life.

Methinks we need to stick a stick in the sand, so that we address what
we can of this, in the next week, and then get a 1.1.0 release
candidate ready.  

There may be room for some changes to documentation; that's pretty
malleable.  There may be a bit of room for changes to scripts; that
can be pretty malleable too.  (I just realized, the other day, that
the new "slon.conf" file approach lends itself to setting up
slon.node-1, slon.node-2, ... slon.node-n files, and adding a
conf-file generator could be done easily even at a somewhat late

But at least for the server side of functions/slon/slonik, I think we
need to finalize the state of it pretty pronto.  April Fool's Day
isn't the time, but let me suggest next Friday as the target for rc1.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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