Jérémie LOPEZ jlo
Tue Oct 26 15:19:12 PDT 2004
Thanks for replying Jan.

I wouldn't have dare mailing the list without having checked the upgrade
documentation, but maybe I missed something.
Concerning the installation, I indeed just untared the slony 1.0.5 archive,
launched a "configure", launched a "make install" and checked the version
number of slon and slonik (in the log of the first one and with the new "-v"
option of the second one).

Do I need to do something more? Does something can prevent the install to
update what needs to be updated?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Jan Wieck [mailto:JanWieck at Yahoo.com] 
Envoy? : mardi 26 octobre 2004 15:37
? : J?r?mie LOPEZ
Cc : slony1-general at gborg.postgresql.org
Objet : Re: [Slony1-general] problem upgrading to 1.0.5

On 10/26/2004 7:08 AM, J?r?mie LOPEZ wrote:
> Hi all,
> when I try to upgrade slony from 1.0.2 to 1.0.5, I get the following 
> message (on slon start up) :
> CONFIG main: slon version 1.0.5 starting up ERROR  cannot get Slony-I 
> schema version - ERROR:  function
> _SLONY_GENY_METIER_DV02.slonyversion() does not exist
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may 
> need to add explicit type casts.
> ERROR  please upgrade Slony-I schema to version 1.0.5 FATAL  main: 
> Node has wrong Slony-I schema or module version loaded

Please read the file README.upgrade who's content is also on the projects
home page under "Upgrading from former Slony-I versions" right underneath
the link to the tarfile on http://slony.info

> I first tried the soft way (killing slon processes then calling UPDATE 
> FUNCTIONS for all nodes with slonik), then the hard way (killing 
> everything, dropping slony schema in the database then reinitializing 
> the cluster), but I always get this error...

You did not completely install 1.0.5 on the machine running the slonik
script. Just replacing the executables doesn't do it.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #
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