Darcy Buskermolen darcy
Fri Oct 22 17:15:50 PDT 2004
As everyone here knows, Slony-I is still a relatively new project and as a 
project we are still working out kinks in the change approval process, 
release managemnet, announcements, and the rest of the mangemnet tasks, we 
are always open to feed back from our users and supported on how to help 
streamline this process when ever possible, and all we ask in return is you 
provide quality feedback when it comes to identifying bugs, and testing 
solutions to these bugs.

Perhaps it's time to mention a few things regarding the quick 1.0.3, 1.0.4, 
1.0.5.  Jann sent out a pre-announcement notice to -general stating the 
intent to package 1.0.3 and that people were encouraged to test -STABLE to 
see if there were any outstanding issues. After a few days with no feedback 
1.0.3 was tagged and prepred for release, bundled and packaged. Only after 
making 1.0.3 available did Vivek Khera find out that 1.0.3 didn't compile 
cleanly on FreeBSD 4.10, so the change was made, and 1.0.4 was created.  
Testing began on a few additional platforms that we developers have access 
to, so that an official announcement could be made with statements of 1.0.4 
has been tested successfully on X.y.z running a.b.c .. During this time I 
mannaged to trip bug 896 (where merge set was issued before the subscription 
was complete) resulting in broken replication in a production database.  
After speaking with Jann on IRC about this, He came to the following 
conclusion: "If someone with the experience of Darcy steps onto that 
landmine, a way to guard against it is worth a release by itself."  And this 
in it's self gave birth to 1.0.5.

None of us on the development team are feeling especially happy with this 
release schedule mish mosh, but as always our primary focus is providing a 
stable, working full featured product, and I belive our attention to this 
detail is evedent in this bang-bang-bang of releases.

Slony-I development team.

Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx:  250.763.1759

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