Justin Clift jc
Fri Oct 22 05:46:13 PDT 2004
Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Actually, Justin, I think it _does_ suggest it.  The note was that
> one didn't want the announcement to hit "all (the other) mailing
> lists".  I think it fair to understand that, if you put it on the web
> page, it'll hit the other lists.  What was the big hurry, anyway?

WTF?  The annoucement was on the Slony friggin home page!  If that 
doesn't say "pick me pick me" then WTF does?

And there wasn't any hurry.  I just checked out the Slony home page 
after a week of not doing so, found out that 1.0.4 had been announced 
and did my duty of putting it on the PG home page because no one else had.

To then go and get blamed because "I was told not to" is being 
_extremely_ loose with the truth.

+ Justin

> A

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