Andrew Sullivan ajs
Thu Oct 14 12:04:29 PDT 2004
On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 12:57:45PM +0200, tohny at wrote:

> very slow.  It seems to be that this problem is due to the fact
> that the slave database is read only. When i make test with the
> master database the response time of the database is good.
> So my question is, is there a way to make the slave database
> read-write to improve performance ?

No, and in any case, your reasoning is faulty.  What other
differences are there between the systems?  In particylar, have you
VACUUMed and ANALYZEd the replica?  Any of the other usual
performance tips apply, too.  Restricting writes in the database
doesn't make it slower.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at
I remember when computers were frustrating because they *did* exactly what 
you told them to.  That actually seems sort of quaint now.
		--J.D. Baldwin

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