Vivek Khera vivek
Fri Oct 8 15:11:47 PDT 2004
On Oct 6, 2004, at 11:51 AM, Vivek Khera wrote:

> Well, I'm now convinced that something is wrong.  There's just no way 
> in heck it should take 6 days to replicate my large table across two 
> machines, even if they are cheap-o IDE disks... :-)

Well, there was a way in heck (Where's Phil with his spoon?):

DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_2: 3448517395 bytes copied for table 
  [[ several SYNC events here... ]]
DEBUG2 remoteWorkerThread_2: 617457.234 seconds to copy table 

based on the current table that's copying (about 40% the size of the 
big one) it finished around 4am today.  Solid 7 days + 4 hours or so.  
So I figure around tuesday I'll be all replicated in my test! :-)

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.
+1-301-869-4449 x806

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