Hubert Fröhlich hubert.froehlich
Thu Jun 24 07:04:32 PDT 2004

... for those, say, in Europe ...

Sounds very interesting. Will there be slides on the project page?

(Same holds for all items in the postgresql track. E.g. Berkus` Joy of 
Index is already in the docs ...)


> July 31, 2004: Slony-I Configuration Workshop - Portland, Oregon USA
> (following O'Reilly Open Source Convention)
> Afilias' Software Engineer Jan Wieck will conduct a FREE seminar for 
> PostgreSQL consultants and DBAs on Slony-I, a new enterprise-level 
> replication system for PostgreSQL that he is currently developing. This 
> program will be offered at the conference hotel, the Portland Marriott 
> Downtown
Dr.-Ing. Hubert Fr?hlich			
Bezirksfinanzdirektion M?nchen 			
Alexandrastr. 3, D-80538 M?nchen, GERMANY
Tel. :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2980
Fax  :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2997
hubert dot froehlich at bvv dot bayern dot de

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