Thomas Draband madcow madcow
Sun Jun 20 12:07:52 PDT 2004
Jan Wieck schrieb:
> On 6/18/2004 11:05 AM, Thomas Draband (madcow) wrote:
>> I've tested Slony-I and found, that with lock set and move set I can 
>> switch the master to a forwarded slave. But this only works if the 
>> current master is running. If master crashs I'm not able to switch a 
>> slave to master this way, cause slonik wants to connect to the master.
>> How can I do so?
> The procedure to abandon a failed master (failover) is different from 
> what you did (switchover). I am currently configuring a couple of test 
> systems here and will dig deep into failover as soon as I have them up 
> and running. Stay tuned.
> Jan
What is the procedure for failover. Will do the slon prozesses the 
propagation of the new master automaticaly? I think nothing happens 
after the master db goes down. In my slony cluster there was no way of 
doing updates in a set until the master db came up again.

I have to nodes. The master has the virual ip at eth0:0. I thougth that 
I can watch the postgresql prozesses on the nodes and could do a switch 
over of the set origin and the virtual ip to the other node on an mond 
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