Jan Wieck JanWieck
Fri Jun 11 13:30:06 PDT 2004
Hi Julian,

the entire configure and build environment needs to be replaced from 
scratch. Please see also my other answer to Niels Breet and consider 
working directly with him on solutions for that.


On 6/11/2004 4:03 AM, Julian Scarfe wrote:

> Being a cautious sort of guy, I like to build into RPMs before installation,
> even (especially?) for betas.
> What's the intended mode of use of 'make dist' and 'make rpm' please (and
> for that matter, the buildroot for install since configure with --prefix
> doesn't seem to have the desired effect)?
> I did manage to kludge together my own RPM spec specifying the install
> directories explicitly using configure, but there's an issue with
> src/slonik/Makefile in that
> -DPGSHARE="\"$(datadir)\""
> seems to hardwire slonik to the buildroot in a non-relocatable way.
> What's the medium- and long-term plan for RPMs and other binaries?
> Thanks for any guidance.
> Julian Scarfe
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# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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