Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Dec 21 19:50:09 PST 2004
j wrote:

> cbbrowne at wrote:
>> In effect, the "cluster" and "node conninfo" statements represent a sort
>> of "preamble" to the Slonik script, and you can't put the echo statement
>> inside that section.
>> Move the echo to _after_ you define the nodes and it should work fine.
> Maybe that should be added to the documentation of the ECHO command at 
> Something like: "ECHO commands may only be used AFTER both clusters 
> and nodes have been defined using CLUSTER NAME and ADMIN CONNINFO."

I have gone further, in a sense; I have produced a DocBook documentation 
set for all of the Slony-I documentation.  I'll definitely make the 
change there.


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