Brian Hirt bhirt
Sat Aug 28 02:32:49 PDT 2004
when i try to run the first script at i 
always get a syntax error
<stdin>:12: ERROR: syntax error at or near dbname=basement 
host=localhost user=root'

it seems whatever i do, i get syntax errors.  even trying just the 
'ECHO' command gives me a syntax error.

[postgres at loopy postgres]$ slonik <<_EOF_
 > echo 'test';
 > _EOF_
<stdin>:1: ERROR: syntax error at or near echo
[postgres at loopy postgres]$

[postgres at loopy postgres]$ slonik <<_EOF_
 > cluster name = 'TEST CLUSTER';
 > _EOF_
<stdin>:1: ERROR: syntax error at or near TEST CLUSTER'
[postgres at loopy postgres]$

any advice on what i'm doing wrong?  i'm running Fedora CORE1, PG7.4.5 
and slony 1.0.2 for the tests mentioned above.

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