joe joe
Thu Aug 26 20:37:41 PDT 2004
Hi all,
        I am testing Slony-I before (hopefully) using it to build a
simple master-slave cluster to run our website.  In the documentation
and through various googles I have found that slony doesn't
automagically replicate schema changes.  That by itself is not an issue
for me since schema changes don't happen all that often to the website,
but when they do happen it would be nice to know what the proper
sequence of events need to take place to ensure that slony function
properly after, and I haven't been able to determine that sequence of
events is.
        I have done some playing with the pg_bench db as setup in the
examples, and what I have found is this:
        1. Alter tables don't seem to require any interaction with
slonik to be replicated, as long as the alter table statement(s) is/are
executed on all nodes before any queries (inserts, updates, deletes)
that use the new schema are run.  This doesn't feel quite safe (or sane)
to me and I was wondering how other people handle modifications to
existing tables.
        2. adding new tables to an existing replication set (apparantly)
requires unsubscribing that set, adding the table then re-subscribing
the set. This forces a full dump of the table (and possibly full set?)
when it happens. (Not fun when the table/set is several gigs). Do most
people just make a new table set when they add tables to the
source/master node or how do they deal with that situation?

        Thanks in advance,
                -Joe Markwardt
                Intrepid Slony Explorer and Fledgling DBA

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