Dan Wright wright
Thu Aug 26 19:49:13 PDT 2004
I'm wondering if it would be useful to set up a slony wiki?  It seems like that
might be the easiest way for everybody to contribute to the documentation at
this point.


Daniel J. Wright                           wright at pair.com
Lead Software Developer, pairNIC   https://www.pairnic.com
pair Networks, Inc.                    http://www.pair.com

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:

> I think I've mentioned this to this list before, but how difficult
> would it be to add slonik_commands.html to the "Basic documentation"
> page of the Slony website?
> http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/genpage.php?howto_idx
> Seems like a natural fit.
> If I could help make this happen, I would, but I imagine it's just a
> minor edit to something on gborg.
> -tfo
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